Saturday, January 5, 2013


Did you ever wonder how life could be for a puppy dumped at a high-kill-rate gassing shelter, if the puppy makes it out alive thanks to the tireless efforts of rescues?  If the puppy is adopted? 

Well, my puppy thinks it's not a bad deal.  Here, I'll let you read her diary:

Crack of dawn.  Wake up with Mom and my dog and cat friends in big bed.  Walk on Mom.  Get belly rubs.
Pee in the yard.  Sniff everything.  Every-thing.
Breakfast!  (My breakfast, Mom’s breakfast, cats’ breakfast.  My friends’ breakfast if I can sneak it in.)
Long walk.  Pee twelve times.  Sniff everything.  Every-thing. (If it’s Sunday or snowing, long run in the pasture with my friends.  Even better.)
Chew bone while Mom walks my friends.  This will take a while.  They pee twelve times each and sniff everything, not quite as well as I do.
Mom back.  Mom looking funny.  Mom takes blood sugar.  Says we wore her out.  Mom eats second breakfast.
Help Mom work on computer.  Or she might get in the car to go to work.  Either way, long nap.  Probable chew bone when she gets back.
Pee in yard.  Sniff everything.  Every-thing.
Lunch!  (Mom’s lunch.)
In office while Mom works on computer.  Red squeaky toy drives Mom nuts.
Pee in yard.  Sniff everything.  Every-thing.
Short walk.  Sniff half of everything.
Tea time.  Don’t like tea.  Like biscuits.
Nap time on Mom’s bed, with or without friends.  They seem a little tired of me, especially the cats.
Pee in yard.  Not too much sniffing because next comes—
Dinner!  (My dinner, Mom’s dinner, cats’ dinner, my friends’ dinner.)
Cuddle time on couch.  Belly rubs.
Where is red squeaky toy?  There it is!  Drive everybody nuts.
In computer room with Mom.  Switch to blue squeaky toy.  This doesn’t improve things, so I get to--
Pee in yard.  Make up for time lost not sniffing on previous trip, unless I smell a bear or coyote, in which case—
BACK IN HOUSE!   Love my Mommy.  Mommy will protect me! 
Big bear-hunting hound, Mayhem, goes in yard.  “I’m sorry I stole your food!”  Love Mayhem.   Mayhem will protect me!
Whew.  Whatever was there is gone.  They don’t like Mayhem even though Mom never lets her really hunt bears.  She likes them so much she tries to climb fence, but it zaps her.
Biscuits.  Bed time.  Curl up against Mom.  All is well.