The clashing relationship between tomboy Josie Miller and fellow paramedic-firefighter, Pete Miller, escalates after he realizes Joe is not just one-of-the-boys. Pete has a sketchy history and has earned a reputation for one-night stands in the small town of Parmenter, New Hampshire nestled between the Mercy River, the mountains, and the state college. Since he arrived a year ago, Josie suspects he is hiding something. Something too horrible to share, even with her. Working side by side, Joe loves her job, and Pete.
They respond to accident calls, medical emergencies, and fast-moving forest fires amid sparks of another kind. Joe’s clumsiness and baggy uniform work against her when she yearns to be the kind of woman Pete wants like the pretty blonde they must rescue after her car hits a moose.
Outside influences come to play when the sister of Pete’s alleged victim shows up and accuses him of something even worse…her sister’s recent death. Once on track to be a doctor, the sister’s betrayal and lies caused Pete to run far away and keep women at a distance unless they agreed to share his bed…and nothing more.
Pete plans to skip town while Josie worries she has given her heart to a monster. His boss and the local police back off and he professes his innocence to Joe. After kissing her senseless, she lets him into her bed until her bothers intervene. Both keep an eye on Pete. A suicide note, some well-landed fists, stolen moments of love, and a desire to listen to their hearts lead these two heroes toward a climax filled with tension, pain, bloodshed, and atonement.

Okay, I hear you. Where did I come up with this story, you ask? Simple…I volunteered in the small town where my husband and I settled after college. We bought a 1860s farmhouse, raised two dogs, then a couple of boys, and learned to PAY IT FORWARD. Cub Scout Den Leader, School board President, Hospital Auxiliary Member, Alumni Class Agent, EMT, firefighter…my hubby and I covered it all. Story ideas rose from every crash, medical call, building fire, and snowmobile rescue. We loved our little town of Rumney, New Hampshire, and loved its lakes, rivers, and moutains.

I began stories set in such a place in last fall's DESTINY'S MOUNTAIN. Many MORE memories have surfaced on the pages of my newest romantic suspense, LOVE TO THE RESCUE, released August 11th by Red Rose Publishing.
Josie grabbed a towel and wiped up the spill. A prickling sensation raced up her spine. She glanced up to find the shadow of a man standing in the doorway.
“I see my words didn’t sink in,” Pete said.
“What words? And what are you doing—”
“Going around half–naked is dangerous.”
“You have got to be kidding,” she said in her defense, but her arms hugged her waist under his glare.
“Scantily dressed in an unlocked, public building. You’re a target. Any idea how long I’ve been standing here watching you?”
Shaking, she glared back, wishing he’d disappear.
“Lovely hips.”
“Excuse Me?” Had he really said lovely hips? Puzzled, she pretended not to show fear until she recalled Sherri Barrington’s accusations.
“You can’t pretend you’re not scared.” His words traveled the ever decreasing space between them on a whisper.
Clammy palms slid down both naked thighs. Moisture dripped into the cleft between her breasts. “That woman. She made some powerful accusations. Are they true?”
“Why should you believe me? You’re only my partner,” he smirked.
“Why should I believe you? Lately, your manner had been unpredictable. Erratic. Until I know the truth, I suggest you keep your distance,” she said, even as he moved closer.
“You’re the one wearing silky running shorts and a sports bra. It wouldn’t take much for me to strip you naked.”
She gulped and slapped a hand over her stomach.
“So, are you afraid? Or excited?”
She locked eyes with his. Fear pulsed through her body along with other sensations. His intensive gaze roamed over her from head to toe and made her stomach clench. She couldn’t answer his question. She didn’t know the answer.
Nancy grew up on New York's Long Island then earned a bachelor of science degree at a small state college amid the mountains of New Hampshire. She and her husband settled in a tiny rural town nearby, where she served as an EMT and volunteer firefighter while raising two sons. She worked many years as a 9-1-1 emergency medical dispatcher and now lives in North Carolina where she writes full-time. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Celtic Heart Romance Writers, Fantasy-Futuristic & Paranormal Romance Writers, and Sisters in Crime.
The Continuing Mountain Sage
Author: Nancy Lennea
Nancy grew up on New York's Long Island then earned a bachelor of science degree at a small state college amid the mountains of New Hampshire. She and her husband settled in a tiny rural town nearby, where she served as an EMT and volunteer firefighter while raising two sons. She worked many years as a 9-1-1 emergency medical dispatcher and now lives in North Carolina where she writes full-time. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Celtic Heart Romance Writers, Fantasy-Futuristic & Paranormal Romance Writers, and Sisters in Crime.
The Continuing Mountain Sage
Author: Nancy Lennea
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Length: Novel
Release Date: August 2011
ePub ISBN: 978-1-937044-02-2
Red Rose Publishing Buy Link
Nancy’s Website
Nancy’s Blog
ePub ISBN: 978-1-937044-02-2
Red Rose Publishing Buy Link
Nancy’s Website
Nancy’s Blog